Mildred’s Motel is an adult, animated comedy series about a deranged rat-woman hybrid who operates a motel on the outskirts of a small town. Meet Mildred: a freakish outcast whose life’s mission is to lure, capture, study and dispose of the guests to her motel. She’s Nurse Ratched on LSD and she’s here to serve up a slice of forcible confinement with a side of horse tranquilizers.
Born from a test tube, Mildred has a sick fascination with the human species due in part to her feelings of exclusion from them. So, she embarks on a voyeuristic study of humankind under the guise of an inn-keeper. Luckily, the nearby municipality acts as a perfect petri dish from which to acquire potential test subjects. Despite her psychotic instincts, Mildred inevitably forms dysfunctional relationships along the way and learns about her needs for companionship.
She is aided in her pursuits by the neighborhood realtor: Trish Tam, her cyborg servant: Mr. Junior, and two sewer rats named Sarah and Tim. Mildred is also drawn into the happenings of her local community by way of Debbie Yeaston, the town’s coked-out Martha Stewart whose only goal is to evict Mildred and demolish her motel. Over the course of the season, the township works as a mirror to Mildred’s motel, revealing its inhabitants to be just as disturbed as she is.